Social media is another buzzword that seems to be thrown around frequently. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+ have become quite popular in recent years, especially for businesses. Aside from being a creative outlet for you to display unique content, social media is a cheaper alternative to traditional marketing techniques – requiring less funds in the marketing area that can go to other facets of your dealership. We have complied three (of many) reasons why social media can help your dealership grow:

  1. The use of social media can drastically decrease marketing costs. Think about it: before social media, businesses had to purchase advertising spots in publications, go out and spend their time on the streets, and spend money in printing various promotional items. Now, they can simply create an infographic or type up a paragraph and hit “send” to reach an audience of thousands.
  2. Social media can also increase traffic to your business, if used in the correct way. Some businesses use social media incorrectly – posting much too often, (on the other hand) posting very little, or using more words than visuals. Finding the right balance of post frequency, post length, and visuals over text can greatly boost traffic in the doors of your business. If people are aware that your business is there and is intentional about providing the public information about themselves, then they will come in to see what all the buzz is about.
  3. In recent years, social media has become a creator of community. In the same light, your business can create a community through your social media platforms. If you post creative content that people want to follow – regardless if they are in the search for a vehicle or not – they will remember your business, simply from following your content on social media. When the time comes to purchase a new car, they will already have your dealership in mind.

Client ConneXion has trained experts to help your dealership in the social media department. With our Social ConneXion feature, we can help you customize your dealership Facebook and Twitter pages, help create Facebook posts and tweets, and assist with blogging. As we mentioned above, social media’s reach is unfathomable in comparison to traditional marketing methods and can really help your dealership expand if used correctly.

Contact us for more information on how we can help you manage your social media platforms!