At Client ConneXion, our goal is to help you convert more browsers into buyers. So, how do we do this? We’ve developed a suite of dealership solutions that are designed to help you connect with customers to get them to the buying stage.

As dealers ourselves, we know that the struggles you experience when trying to convert that lead into a sale. Take a look at some of our dealership solutions below and see for yourself how they can help your sales team turn more browsers into buyers.

SEO/SEM ConneXion | This solutions will help put your dealership’s website before your competition. By strategically utilizing keywords and search engine placement, we’ll optimize how you show up on search results to drive virtual traffic to your website.

Chat ConneXion | Chat ConneXion is our online live chat solution that engages your virtual lot visitors around the clock no matter what time it is. Your virtual lot visitors are just as important as those visitors that walk onto your actual lot. Never let another virtual visitor pass you by.

Constant ConneXion | With our email newsletter and promotion solution, your dealership will stay at the top of your past and potential customers’ minds. Constant ConneXion is proven to increase customers retention and turn more potential buyers into actual buyers for life.

Today’s buyers spend a lot of time online researching vehicles they’re interested in before they even make a decision to visit a car lot. Did you know that the average car buyer only visits one car dealership before purchasing? This means that almost the entire buying decision is made based off of online Heracles. That’s why your online presence is more important than it’s ever been before. Not only is it important to come in front of your competition, but it’s important to engage your website visitors, answer their questions and begin cultivating a relationship with them before they even pick up the phone to call you.

To learn more about how our dealership solutions can help you do just that, contact us today!