facebook11.10Your virtual lot visitors are just as important as those that visit your actual lot. With Chat ConneXion, you can engage virtual visitors on your website 24/7, while you’re asleep, when the dealership is closed, on weekends and holidays. Client ConneXion gives you the capability to designate a sales representative to greet your website visitors during hours and have an outside source greet them after hours.

Our Chat ConneXion dealers have proven it’s effectiveness and see about 15 to 30 additional sales each month! Chat ConneXion gives you vital information about how consumers were directed to your site, how long they’ve been there and where they committed to buy or decided to bail, giving you new insight into what’s working with your website and what’s not.

Start engaging your virtual lot visitors and turn more of those visitors into customers! Call us today to learn more about what Client ConneXion can do for your dealership.