Inboxes across the nation are filled each and every day with emails trying to sell products or services to the recipient. With this bombardment of messages flooding potential recipients’ inboxes, how can your dealership stand out? Here’s a few ways how:

  • Keep it short. Today, it’s hard to keep someone’s attention for more than a few seconds. Rather than fighting for more of their time, say all you need to say within the first few seconds of your email.
  • Be personal. Simply including the recipient’s name in your email or subject line can change the recipient’s perception of your company.
  • Have a call-to-action. It is important to have a focused question/call-to-action, but make sure you are not overwhelming your recipient with too many. It is effective to stick to one question/call-to-action so you do not confuse your prospect.
  • Do not be pushy. One of the first turn-offs for prospective customers is a pushy salesperson. Make it a discussion/education session rather than pushing them to buy, buy, buy.
  • No need for templates. Often, prospects will see a templated email and immediately consider it a mass email, thus shoving it into their junk mail folder. If you do use a template, use a default from Outlook or Gmail, rather than investing in an expensive template that will most likely get trashed.

While these tips can help your dealership gain prospective customers, it is important to note that each company is different. Therefore, adjust your email prospecting as needed to avoid any non-personal and “mass email” assumptions. Be intentional when emailing prospects, making sure you research the market you are tapping into.

Have more questions about ways to improve your connection with clients and customers? Start a Chat below or give us a call at 877-888-5948!