Digital marketing is so important today, especially for getting your dealership in front of potential customers and ahead of your competition. At Client ConneXion, we’re here to provide you with solutions for marketing your dealership effectively, obtaining more leads and converting more leads into sales.

Social ConneXion is our social media dealership solution that well help you get social and establish an online presence. Social media includes all social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and more! Each network is a little bit different and can be an asset when marketing your dealership. Here are some ways that social media can benefit your dealership:

  • Interaction & Engagement — You can reach a huge number of people online through social media! It may be difficult to measure direct sales from social media marketing, but the interactions and connections you make are critical! Even better? You can actually have a conversation on social media, answer questions and establish customer relationships.
  • Display Inventory — Social media can be very visual, so it’s a great way to show off your inventory. Upload images of your inventory to help drive traffic to your dealership.
  • Announce Sales, Events & More — Keep your audience updated with happenings at your dealership, whether it’s your sales people of the month, a special rebate or a customer appreciation day. Social media is a great way to get the word out!

To learn more about Social ConneXion and how our social media marketing solution can benefit your dealership, give us a call today! Start turning those browsers into buyers!