Here at Client ConneXion, our targeted data selects contain over 200 million opt-in email addresses. You can select your list based on a variety of criteria, as well as include customer suppression lists. Modifiable by just about any basic demographic: age, income, home value, children in home, etc. This program includes our full Google Analytics and Campaign Tracking Dashboard.
Don’t just target your current clients – increase your customer base by attracting new clients. Our NCA program focuses on targeted lists of consumers, which our algorithms can either see in market shopping now or predict will on NCAs of in-market buyers. Almost all of our automotive clients use this option. And the results are unmatched in the industry. This program also includes full third party SoldMatch Reporting.
Let our team of email marketing and data specialists provide you with the most up to date email prospects and co-op compliant campaigns to help you and your dealership’s website today!
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