Our carefully crafted sets of data contain over 200 million opt-in email addresses. You are able to select your list based on a variety of criteria, and can also include a customer suppression list. In addition, the list can be modified by just about any demographic – age, income, home value, children, etc – while harboring full Google Analytics and Campaign Tracking Dashboard.

Your dealership can settle with targeting your current clients, or you can go a step further and attract new clients. You can sustain a decent profit by focusing on your current customers, but you will only grow if you work to gain new ones. Our program utilizes targeted lists of consumers, which our algorithms can either see in-market shopping or predict the New Customer Acquisition of in-market buyers. Almost all of our clients utilize this feature, and the results are absolutely unmatched within the industry.

Let Client ConneXion’s team of email marketing specialists and data experts provide you with the most up-to-date email prospects and campaigns to help your dealership. Give us a call at 877-888-5948 – we look forward to hearing from you! Have a wonderful Tuesday, everyone!