







The internet and your website are crucial tools in getting leads to your dealership! Don’t let competitors drive away with your online leads because your website or online marketing strategy is not effectively attracting and engaging them.

With more potential buyers than ever before researching and shopping online, you need to have an online presence that will drive buyers to you. Client ConneXion has several dealership solutions that are sure to steer potential buyers in your direction.

  • Craigslist ConneXion is used to seamlessly and effectively advertise your used vehicle inventory and point buyers in the direction of you and your website.
  • Social ConneXion helps establish a social presence on networks like Facebook and Twitter. When your dealership is unconsciously “advertising” to potential buyers on Facebook, it helps to establish a social affiliation that is not forced and will increase brand awareness.
  • Chat ConneXion is an online, live chat software that allows you to interact with website visitors and engage them. By communicating live with online visitors, you can help steer the conversation in a direction that will get them to your dealership. Today’s buyers want answers and they want them now. This software will help drive buyers to your dealership.

These are just a few of our dealership solutions that will keep your competitors from driving away with you online leads. Contact us if you’re ready to start driving more buyers to your dealership!