
Are you missing that one minute that could make or break a sale? It may only take ONE MINUTE to lose or attract an online shopper. More and more people are shopping and researching for vehicles online. These people are impatient and want to be engaged immediately. They have questions and they want them answered now. It could take as little as one minute to lose a visitor’s attention or keep them engaged on your website. Is your dealership doing what it takes engage visitors?

At Client ConneXion we specialize in dealership solutions that will help you attract and engage visitors within the first minute they are on your website instead of letting you lose them.

Chat ConneXion’s immediate response software engages website visitors as soon as they enter your site. Chat ConneXion works to turn visitors into buyers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our average Client ConneXion dealership sees 15-30 additional sales per month with Chat ConneXion. Chat ConneXion makes it possible for your Salesmen and Internet Managers to answer questions, interact and solve problems at unprecedented speeds. It also gives you vital information about how consumers were directed to your site, how long they’ve been there and where they committed to buy or decided to bail, giving you new insight into what’s working with your website and what’s not.

If you’re ready to start taking advantage of the first minute visitors are on your website, we can help! Give us a call for your free 30-day trial of Chat ConneXion!