facebook8.7At Client ConneXion it is our job to help your dealership convert more shoppers into buyers. We have developed dealership solutions that work together with your online and traditional marketing strategies to help you attract more shopper and turn more of those shoppers into buyers! Explore these dealership solutions to determine which would fit best with your marketing strategy to increase sales!

Chat ConneXion is our online chat software that works 24/7 and allows visitors to ask you questions and get immediate responses in real time. Customers that shop and research online are often impatient and demanding. If you aren’t there to answer them, they will go somewhere else to find the information.

Constant ConneXion is our eNewsletter and ePromotion Management system that is delivered on a monthly basis. This will be delivered to current, past, and potential customers. While building interest in your dealership, you are also reinforcing your brand image and dealership in consumers’ minds.

Social ConneXion is used to build your reputation on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. We help establish social conneXions with potential buyers so that they have a positive image of your dealership. This also helps in keeping your dealership top-of-mind whenever potential consumers decide to buy.

Is your dealership ready to convert more visitors into buyers? Give us a call and Client ConneXion can help you today!