facebook8.12Does your dealership utilize an online chat application? If not, how are you communicating with and engaging your virtual car lot visitors on your website? If your website doesn’t have a chat application, you are losing sales and customers. Learn how Client ConneXion can help fuel online leads and increase sales with Chat ConneXion.

Chat ConneXion works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to engage and interact with website visitors. You wouldn’t ignore someone that walks onto your car lot so why ignore someone who “walks” onto your virtual car lot. Chat ConneXion’s live chat capabilities allow website visitors to ask an online representative from your dealership any questions and get answers immediately. Engaging your online visitors and potential buyers will increase the number of visitors that you are converting into buyers! It’s as easy as these 4 steps:

1. Someone looking for a vehicle visits your website.

2. They are greeted by your new chat feature.

3. Your dealership qualified the lead.

4. The lead turns into a buyer!

So, are you ready to generate more online leads and chat your way to more car sales? Contact us to find the best dealership solutions for you. It’s our goal to turn your visitors into customers!