1.4.16Although your dealership is not open 24/7, that doesn’t mean that people aren’t browsing your inventory. Your website’s virtual lot accepts visitors around the clock! It’s important to engage these visitors no matter what time it is. Our live chat solution is proven to help you engage online visitors and turn them into customers.

Chat ConneXion is the best live chat tool in the industry and gives you immediate access to communicate with your website visitors. Chat ConneXion makes it possible for your Salesmen and Internet Managers to answer questions, interact and solve problems at unprecedented speeds. It also gives you vital information about how consumers were directed to your site, how long they’ve been there and where they committed to buy or decided to bail, giving you new insight into what’s working with your website and what’s not.

Our Chat ConneXion dealerships have proven the effectiveness of online chat when it comes to converting website visitors to customers. Don’t ignore your online visitors. They deserve the same attention as your actual lot visitors. Call us today to learn more about Chat ConneXion and how you can chat your way to more sales.