1.7.16Did you know that more sales for your dealership are as easy to achieve as chatting online? It is proven that websites with online live chat generate more leads and sales than those without live chat. We encourage you to take a look at our live chat solution, Chat ConneXion.

Chat ConneXion works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to engage and interact with website visitors. Chat ConneXion’s live chat capabilities allow website visitors to ask an online representative from your dealership any questions and get answers immediately. Engaging your online visitors and potential buyers will increase the number of visitors that you are converting into buyers! It’s as easy as these 4 steps:

1. Someone looking for a vehicle visits your website.

2. They are greeted by your new chat feature.

3. Your dealership qualified the lead.

4. The lead turns into a buyer!

Chat ConneXion works hard to turn browsers into buyers so that your sales representatives have more time to focus on other sales! Call us today to learn more about Chat ConneXion and how we can help your dealership achieve higher sales!