2.6.16Does your dealership understand how important your website visitors are? Your website visitors are looking at your virtual lot and should be treated the same as your actual lot visitors. Today, the majority of people in the market for a new vehicle begin their research and continue to research online. The key to turning these potential customers into actual customers is engagement. It is important that your website engages online visitors as soon as they enter your virtual lot.

With the help of Client ConneXion’s dealership solutions you can ensure that your virtual lot is engaging online visitors around the clock. Chat ConneXion is our live chat solution that engages visitors immediately when they visit your site. No matter if the visitor is on a mobile device, tablet or desktop computer, they will be able to see and chat with your sales representative on the other end. Even better, Chat ConneXion works when you aren’t. Chat ConneXion works 24/7, when your dealership is closed, on weekends and holidays.

Call us today to learn more about Chat ConneXion and how engaging your virtual lot visitors will help turn more of those visitors into buyers!