2.12.16Used car inventory can be tough to market, however used car inventory makes up a large portion of sales for many dealerships. That’s why we have developed Craigslist ConneXion. Craigslist ConneXion is a tool that streamlines the process of listing your used vehicle inventory on Craigslist. Most dealerships know that Craigslist is an effective yet time-consuming way to advertise your used car inventory. We’ve help make this process easier and less time consuming so that you can focus that extra time and effort into additional sales.

Make Craigslist work for your dealership! With Client ConneXion you can finally ensure that your inventory will be kept up-to-date and active on Craigslist without the hassle. Call today to redeem your free 30 day trial of Craigslist ConneXion and start selling more of your used car inventory.