So, how does a sales representative from your dealership close the sale and turn browsers into buyers? This is the most important part of the sales process! At Client ConneXion, we focus on helping your sales representatives connect with customers like never before so that they can turn more browsers into actual buyers.

The first step is converting visitors into leads. How do you do this? With our Chat ConneXion online chat solutions, you can engage website visitors as soon as they enter your virtual car lot. Chat ConneXion makes it possible for your salesmen and Internet Managers to answer questions, interact and solve problems with website visitors. It also gives you vital information about how consumers were directed to your site, how long they’ve been there and where they committed to buy or decided to bail, giving you new insight into what’s working with your website and what’s not. Chatting with website visitors will give you the opportunity to set an appointment and obtain contact information from the visitor, converting them into a lead.

Next, your sales representatives will be working to turn those leads into customers. Maintain a top-of-mind presence and constant communication with Constant ConneXion. This eNewsletter service is designed to target existing sales and service customers and prospects while providing an important and efficient retention tool for dealers at the retail level. When the potential customer is ready to purchase, they will think of your dealership first and the relationship that you have already established with them.

Now, you’ve got the customer at your car lot and it’s time to make the sale! At Client ConneXion, we not only provide you with a suite of dealership solutions to help you turn browsers into buyers, but we provide the best sales training in the industry. To learn more about our services can help your dealership sell more cars, call today!