Let us help you exceed sales goals and generate more leads and customers than your dealership has ever seen before. At Client ConneXion, our dealership solutions and training give you the power to connect with customers. With the majority of car buyers researching online before visiting a dealership, it’s important to begin interaction with customers earlier in the sales process. By engaging visitors while they are on your site, you will be more successful in getting them to set an appointment to come test drive and purchase a car.

Here are our most popular and effective dealership solutions:

Chat ConneXion: Engage your customers while they are on your website.

Response ConneXion: Let our staff cover for you when you are busy on the lot, or even while you sleep.

Constant ConneXion: Stay in Constant ConneXion with your customers with proven e-mail marketing.

Social ConneXion: Engage your customers where they shop and make buying decisions.

SEO/SEM ConneXion: A successful SEM strategy is key to generating traffic to your website.

Craigslist ConneXion: Craigslist ConneXion keeps your inventory online with Craigslist without being dropped.

The combination of continued training for your sales staff with interactive and engaging dealership solutions will generate more customers and sales for your dealership! Call Client ConneXion today to learn more about our dealership solutions and how we can sell more cars for you!