The new year is here! It’s never too late to set some goals to strive towards. Make 2017 the year that your dealership meets and exceeds your goals all year long!

Check out these goals that Client ConneXion’s dealership solutions can help you meet.

  1. Turn more website visitors into customers. The key to turning your website visitors into customers is engagement. Engaging your website will visitors will move them to the next step in the sales process. Our live chat solution, Chat ConneXion, is proven to engage your visitors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  2. Retain more life-long customers. Customer retention is key to any and ever dealership. It is much easier to sell a car to a past customer than it is to sell a car to a new customer. Maintaining communication and checking in on your past customers will help them keep coming back year after year. With the help of Constant ConneXion, our e-Newsletter solution allows you to send out monthly email newsletters to particular recipients. Keep your dealership’s top of mind presence with all of your customers.
  3. Speed up the transition of visitor to lead and lead to buyer. Training is crucial for sales people in any industry. Buyers are constantly changing and the way you sell should adapt to your buyers. At Client ConneXion, we have developed on-going training and we are constantly making changes and adding features to improve your interaction with customers!
  4. Generate more leads from social media. Social media networks are today’s word-of-mouth marketing environment. It is important to engage your potential customers where they make buying decisions. When leveraged correctly, social media networks, such as Facebook, can be a huge tool for selling.

Call us today to learn more about our dealership solutions and how we can help you crush your goals in 2017!