At Client ConneXion, we assist your dealership in creating conneXions with online visitors to encourage sales with those visitors. Some dealerships may not fully understand how important these online visitors are. However, in today’s market, buyers are spending more and more time online researching and making their decision before they ever step foot on an actual car lot. Studies show that buyers typically only visit one or two dealership before they make a purchase. The visitor on your actual car lot isn’t the only priority anymore. Now that buyers are utilizing the internet and social media to make their decision, its important to focus your attention on your virtual and actual visitors.

We have developed a complete suite of dealership solutions that work together to enable your dealership to sell more cars and create lasting consumer relationships that will keep them coming back year after year.

Chat ConneXion is our number one solution that immediately engages your website visitors. Our online chat solution works around the clock, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to turn your online browsers into buyers. With buyers spending more time online, they’re looking for immediate information and quick answers. Chat ConneXion allows your website visitors to ask you questions and get immediate responses. If it’s after hours, either set up an automated response that will be answered the next day or allow us to manage your after hours chats to make sure that every visitor is answered no matter what time or day it is.

Each of our dealerships that utilize Chat ConneXion see an average of 15 to 30 additional sales each month! What can Chat ConneXion do for you? Find out today. Call us to learn more about our dealership solutions and how they can help you connect with online customers!