With specialized GPS fleet tracking, fleet management and data communication, you’ll be able to track and manage your fleet from anywhere in the world. DriveTrac Pro utilizes a web-based platform and cloud management software along with high security and responsive technology to bring your dealership the latest technology in fleet tracking. Whether you’re in your office at the dealership or in another city at a trade show, you’ll be able to manage your fleet activity.

Get real time alerts when loan vehicles exit your geographic radius. Dealerships lose a ton of money each year with customers taking advantage of loaner vehicles. DriveTrac Pro will allow you to track location and view history so that you can reduce abuse, monitor locations and out of boundary alerts. Did you know that loaner vehicle programs can often be the third highest expense for a dealership? These programs are a huge part of customer satisfaction and can cost the dealership a ton of money and negatively impact the consumer relationship if handled badly.

With DriveTrac Pro, your dealership will be able to better and more efficiently manage your loaner vehicles to reduce costs and ultimately provide better service to your customers. To learn about DriveTrac Pro, contact us today!