Today, we’re talking about our most effective dealership solution that is guaranteed to help you turn those website browsers into buyers. Chat ConneXion is our live chat solution that engages your website visitors immediately upon entering your site. One of the greatest things about Chat ConneXion is that is works around the clock even when your dealership is closed and your sales team is sleeping. Chat ConneXion is automated to engage visitors 7 days a week, 24 hours a day so that no visitor is missed or overlooked.

We know that today’s buyers are more impatient and demanding than every before. That’s why so many customers utilize live chat. Live chat allows your website visitors to ask questions and get immediate answers. Studies show that live chat is used throughout each step of the sales process including research, making appointments and even maintenance after they’ve purchased. Our dealership clients that utilize Chat ConneXion see an average of 15 to 30 additional sales each month! What could your dealership be missing out on?

Stop letting your internet traffic pass you by. Make the most of your website visitors and convert more of those browsers into buyers with Chat ConneXion. Contact us today to learn more about Chat ConneXion or our other dealership solutions!