Your biggest tool for selling cars is your website. That’s why we have developed a suite of complete dealership solutions to accompany your website in helping you sell more cars and convert visitors into customers! Today’s car buyers do most of their research and shopping online before they ever step foot onto an actual car lot. Here are a few ways that our digital marketing solutions can benefit your dealership to sell more cars:

  • Email Newsletters – Email newsletters are proven to help your company maintain a top-of-mind presence so that when the customer is ready to make a buying decision, they think of your dealership first. Constant ConneXion is our e-Newsletter and campaign solution that is guaranteed to help you sell more cars to new customers while increasing your customer retention.
  • Online Chat – Today’s buyers are looking for answers to their questions and they want them fast. Take advantage of the latest and greatest digital marketing and engaging solution, Chat ConneXion. Chat ConneXion engages your online visitors immediately and allows your sales representatives to communicate with visitors in real time. Start developing a customer relationship with your website visitors.
  • SEO Marketing – One of the most important parts of digital marketing is actually being found. Makes sure your dealership is coming up at the top of search results and driving traffic to your website. With Search Engine Optimization, SEO/SEM ConneXion utilizes keywords to optimize your placement.

Start connecting with your customers like never before and turn your browsers into buyers. Explore our website to learn more about our suite of dealership solutions and how our digital marketing efforts can help you sell more cars!