Staying in touch with your customers is proven to increase customer retention for dealerships. With our dealership solutions, you can stay in Constant ConneXion with all of your contacts and customers so that they come to you when it’s time for them to buy!

Constant ConneXion is our eNewsletter and ePromotion Management solution that helps you stay in touch with everyone your dealership has had previous contact with. We give you a turn-key eNewsletter service that delivers a customized message to your contacts on a monthly basis. An email newsletter is helpful in promoting a dealership event, special sale, new year model vehicles and other exciting happenings at your dealership. By sending out monthly newsletters, your dealership will maintain a top-of-mind presence with your contacts.

Another great feature of Constant ConneXion is that it is interactive and helps you measure and track the activity that recipients take. For example, you will not how many people and which people open and reach your newsletter and click on to your website. This will help you better tailor your email campaign messages in the future.

eNewsletters are proven to be an effective tool for increasing customer retention for car dealerships. Let Client ConneXion’s dealership solutions go to work for you! Our suite of dealerships solutions works together to turn more browsers into buyers. Call today to learn more!