With all the time that shoppers spend online before they visit an actual store or make an online buying decision, your website and online presence plays a crucial role in that buying decision. It is proven that an engaging website will convert more visitors into lead and more leads into customers. Here are a few ways that your dealership can increase your website engagement and drive up your conversion rate.

  • Use Online Chat – Online chat is a great tool no matter what your business is. Chat ConneXion, our online chat solution, engages your website visitors immediately and prompts them to ask questions and interact with your online representative. Chat ConneXion dealerships are guaranteed to see more sales each month.
  • Feature Engaging Content – Your content should be interesting. For example, consider posting reviews on particular vehicles or on your service department. Your visitors will enjoy reading this type of information.
  • Develop Email Marketing – There should be multiple places throughout your website where visitors can sign up for your newsletter or email updated. Develop an email marketing program – whether it’s monthly or for special occasions or events. Constant ConneXion is our eNewsletter solution that helps your dealership maintain contact with all of your past and present leads and is proven to help your dealership establish and maintain a top-of-mind presence.
  • Offer Sharing on Social Media – Feature share buttons on your vehicle listings and blogs so that your visitors can share to their social media pages with one click. This will help get your dealership expose and enhance your social media presence.

Our suite of dealership solutions has been developed by dealers with dealerships in mind to help you engage your online visitors. Our goal is to help you connect with customers and increase the conversion of your leads into customers! To learn more about our dealership solutions and how they can work for you, call us today!