As you may know, the NADA Convention & Expo is quickly approaching. Whether you are attending or you are exhibiting, we want to provide you with a few tips to consider when networking with others:

  • Do your research before the event begins to learn about who will be there. Read up on a few of the booths that interest you so you have talking points prepared for when you are face-to-face at the convention.
  • Keep an open mind when on the convention floor. You may have done your research, but there may be some new exhibitors that you didn’t prepare for. Be sure to go up and talk to those folks if it interests you — even if you did not prepare beforehand.
  • Stay organized throughout the entire weekend by noting when and where particular events take place. You want to maximize your time in order to attend as many events as possible. The more events you attend, the more people you come into contact with.
  • Interact on social media. It’s called a social media “network” for a reason! Take to your smart phone to respond, like, and retweet posts by others attending the conference. You can often find similar content when searching the convention’s hashtag(s).
  • After the convention is over, follow up. We cannot stress how important it is that you tie up loose ends or contact those who gave you their business cards. It shows you are interested in further networking and really got a lot out of your convention weekend.

Overall, networking should be a natural way for you to meet others in the auto industry. While thousands of people will be at the NADA Convention & Expo, it is important to stand out by being prepared and following up with those you came into contact with.

Also, be sure to swing by Booth 5909 to learn more about how your dealership can sell more cars by connecting with customers with Client ConneXion. We can’t wait to see you there!