Craigslist is a great tool for selling just about anything, including new and used cars! People use Craigslist when they’re looking to make a purchase. Therefore, when your dealership posts your cars on Craigslist, they’re going to be in front of thousands of people who are actively looking to buy a car. Craigslist reaches a great number of potential buyers for a very small amount of money.

As car dealers, we understand the frustrations that come along with listings on Craigslist. It’s time consuming and difficult to keep listings updated (especially in multiple markets) and at the top of Craigslist search results. That’s why we have developed Craigslist ConneXion – our dealership solution that allows us to streamline the posting process on Craiglist to save your sales team time and effort. With Craigslist ConneXion, your dealership’s listings will be branded for your dealership with professional graphics and information, get optimal exposure in search results, and stay updated and accurate. What does this mean for your dealership? Of course it means that more people will see your listings, therefore you’ll get more leads and sales, but it will also free up time for your sales representatives. This is time that they can concentrate on additional sales!

Now, your dealership can try Craigslist ConneXion FOR FREE for 30 days with no obligation! See what all the buzz is about for yourself and allow our dealership solutions to keep your listings active and updated on Craigslist without the hassle and extra time. Call today to redeem this offer!