Is your sales staff meeting your dealership’s sales goals each month? If they’re just barely getting by and reaching those goals, we can help! At Client ConneXion, we are here to help your sales representatives connect with customers to sell more cars and maximize your dealership’s sales potential.

Check out two of our dealership solutions that are proven and designed to help you do just that!

Chat ConneXion

Get proactive on your website by engaging visitors as soon as they enter your site. People visit your website most likely to browse your inventory. They likely have questions about a vehicle. Chat ConneXion allow your visitors to ask questions and your sales representatives to answer those questions and start the relationship building process. Without Chat ConneXion, your visitors’ questions will likely not be answer and they’ll move on to the next dealership that has what they’re looking for.

Constant ConneXion

Constant ConneXion is our e-newsletter solution that allows you to stay in constant communication with you potential customers and even previous customers. Staying in touch with customers has proven to increase retention by establishing a top-of-mind presence in customers’ minds. With Constant ConneXion, your dealership will get turn key monthly e-newsletters sent out to your contacts with 97+% deliver assurance.

To learn more about Constant ConneXion and Chat ConneXion and the rest of our complete dealership solution suite, contact Client ConneXion today!