Social ConneXion – Social/Online PR Management

“Social media marketing” is a hot new buzzword in the Internet marketing industry, which generally refers to using popular social websites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Digg (as well as niche interest forums and blogs) to market your business. It’s “hot” because it works—from the smallest Internet forum to the front-page of Digg, the marketing opportunity for your dealership can be substantial.

Our Social~ConneXion can help you with

  • Customization of your Dealership Facebook Fan Page, and Twitter.
  • Assistance with Facebook postings
  • Twitter Setup and Tweeting
  • NING Setup and Blogging

The vast explosion in social networking has made it harder and harder to manage your reputation online. It is an unavoidable fact that there are more and more places where dissatisfied customers can go to let off steam. These negative mentions can hurt your ability to sell. However, for every dissatisfied customer, there are probably at least a hundred happy customers who don’t feel the need to say anything at all.


Combining SEO/SEM ConneXion with Social ConneXion we can also help with:

  • Article submissions
  • Press Releases
  • Backlinking from directories and other websites from within your industry
  • Blogging, Forums, My Space etc