Traditionally the automobile industry has relied upon online customers to initiate chat while on their website. However with Client ConneXion’s Dealer Chat Solution, you can actually take the same proactive approach that you would on your lot.
Tip #1- Prepare yourself for the online “Meet & Greet”
Take the time to prepare what you will say, or offer your online guests when you initiate contact with them while they are on your site. It’s really no different than how you currently greet a customer that is on your lot.. the more prepared you are will reflect in your level of success.
Tip #2- Put yourself in the customer’s shoes.
Never assume that the customer knows what you know as a sales person. Sometimes the most basic questions are the most important to that customer. Prepare yourself to answer questions in a way that you would want them answered if you were on the other end of the chat.
Tip #3- Choose your words wisely and remember there’s no rush!
Often as sales people, we get excited when we have a new opportunity to sell a car. Keep in mind that pushing the customer to give you their contact information or to make an appointment before you have answered their questions can lead to loosing more than you gain.
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